Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Three Simple Questions

As you know, I've been expanding my view of character development these last few weeks. I've gone from the mindset of 'how hard can it be?' to 'this is impossible' and finally resting on 'I can do this'. Although, to be perfectly honest, there were a lot more variations of 'this is impossible' before I landed on the decision that I could do it.

I was going to list the methods that I tried and failed at, but I decided that even though they didn't work for me, they may still work for others. In fact, they probably will work for others -I'm just weird is all.

I guess you could say I felt tossed by the waves of character understanding in all the finding-out-what-makes-my-character-tick-stuff.

Then, like a ship caught out at sea, I saw something illuminate the dark waters and land became visible.

I was poking around www.mybooktherapy.com where low and behold, like a beacon of much needed light to a weary sailor in need of a lighthouse, I saw an article on 'The Easy Way To Create Characters'. At first I assumed it was like all the others -difficult to do, without the positive results. But boy was I wrong!

In the beginning of the article she states that this method is painless, and is more like drinking coffee while chatting with friends than actual work. So true.

She asks three questions of your character and voila, you're done. No, really. Remember, I'm the one who has a tough time getting what I know about my characters onto paper in the form of personality sheets? But, I just sat and answered the three easy questions, and in the process, I truly met my three main characters. I asked them what their greatest fear was. What their greatest dream was. And what they valued most. Yeah, that simple.

Of-course if you're going to try this method you should head over to the web-page where she explains how to use this information. And if you do read her instructions and give it a shot, let me know how it worked for you. I'm excited to hear if it helped anyone else the way it's helped me.

I'd better go though, Eva, Harry and Ester are still here and they aren't done chatting. Now, where did I put my coffee?

Oh, here's the web-page:



  1. Hi, Rachel. I saw your link on WD Writing Mothers and hopped on over. Your blog sounds a lot like mine... we're on the same path.
    I just learned the deepest fear question myself and I have to tell you, just by asking it of all my characters in my WIP, they took on a way deeper meaning.
    Look forward to following your proogress. :)

  2. Totally! So you know what I'm saying! It's crazy isn't it? Just by asking a simple question, so much unfolds!

    Yes, I'll go check out your blog. Funny, when I first started writing, I couldn't find any blog that gave a step by step approach to the publishing process. Now that I'm climbing the path (not walking, walking is too easy), I notice that there are other blogs out there about this stuff! It's fun to see!
