Monday, December 3, 2012

Puppies and Butt Kicking

My puppy, Katana, is doing great and blending well with my family.

Of-course, I'm exhausted. Man, puppies are work! I mean, I knew...but I didn't really KNOW the amount of cleaning, and watching, and sleepless nights. We've had puppy poop-tastrophies, and puke-tastrophies and squat patrol and night watch.

And...I adore her more everyday. It must be the curled tail, the pointed ears, and the fluffy fur. Or it's just her. Yeah. It's her. :)

But I have more to talk about than puppy love. I may need you to kick my butt, actually. It's about my writing. I'm not. And I want to. But I just can't make myself do it. After the conference at the end of October I took a break from everything writing related. But, it's been over a month now. I am a third of the way through my newest ms, Shattered Choices, but I haven't even looked at it in a long while.

It's my only novel, so far, that was inspired by a dream. (A melatonin dream, which if you've taken the natural supplement before, you know it gives you wacky dreams.) It's my only novel from two POV's, a male and a female. And it's my only manuscript that I've completely plotted before writing.

Is that why I'm dragging my feet? Because I'm going about this one so differently? I mean, IT'S PLOTTED OUT! The hard stuff is done. I just need to fill in the blanks. Connect the dots. And it's not that I'm not passionate about this story. I can't wait to read the thing! I have CP's and betas and friends who are bugging me to finish so they can read it.

So I'm asking you. Have you experienced this before? Am I dragging because I'm a panster at heart and this plotted out stuff is out of my comfort zone? Or maybe it's just the pressure and stress of the holidays bogging me down. That and a poopy puppy.

What are your thoughts?


  1. My current WiP is all plotted out and similarly approved, and I'm also finding it hard to force myself to sit down and write. This, too, is my first time writing something that I've already planned from start to finish, and I'm not sure why I'm not sitting down to write it with the same enthusiasm as my previous two novels. I wonder if there was something exciting about writing each scene by the seat of my pants, and if the obsess-in-the-car-ride-home-and-rush-home-to-write-it thing was a process that was really working for me. I'm not sure how to fix it, unfortunately, but at least we can commiserate! :-)

    1. Wow! We are seriously in the same boat! Yes! Lets commiserate! That's exactly how I feel. I'm not obsessing and that's not like me. Maybe we obsess over it cause we want to know what happens next. And since we already do know, some of the energy and spark is gone. Sad. But, we will prevail!

  2. Katana is so adorable! I'm not surprised at all that you adore her more and more everyday. She looks so huggable!

    Sorry to hear about your lack of writing, though. If it makes you feel better, I haven't written since July, although that choice is a little more conscious for me, so I'm not angsting over it. Even though Shattered Choices is completely plotted, perhaps there's something where you last left off that needs to change? Whenever I find myself blocked, it's usually because a scene needs to go in a different direction, despite how much I love the way it is in my head.

    1. Thanks about Katana. She is certainly huggable. :)

      And that's a good idea. Something to think about. The last scene and where it's going. Thanks.

  3. Aw, you're puppy is a little cutie poo! I remember when our dog was that little and yes, it is a lot of work. Are you crate training her?

    I haven't been working on my WiP either. I'm just having issues focusing on it enough to actually sit down and work on it. So, I understand the guilt involved when you aren't working or doing what you think you should be doing. Good luck with everything.

    1. I tried crate training from the get go and she hated it. It got so bad that she shook when she even walked by the thing! So I've taken it away, and will slowly re-introduce the crate and see what happens.

      It is hard to focus around the holidays. :)

  4. My current WiP is plotted out, too, but have had some trouble sitting down and getting to it until recently. Change can be a factor, but if it's in your mind long enough, it will get onto paper, cause you'll drive yourself nuts if you eventually don't.

    I could use a puppy to eat some old manuscripts. :)

    1. Is there anything that helped you get to it, or it was just time? And yes, she loves to eat paper!

  5. I think it is the time of year. I find I am super productive from March-September, but my writing time really suffers in the winter. And it's not that I don't want to be writing- I do! I just cant seem to keep my butt in the chair long enough to accomplish much. Urrgggg.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I always get into a writing slump during the dark and dreary days of fall and winter. Its rough, but you just have to. Just do it. Don't make me come up there and spank-start your muse!

    1. LOL! So the dreary weather gets in the way? It usually makes me want to write more. Huh.
